Rep. Connolly strongly believes in the feasibility and necessity of transitioning Massachusetts to a carbon free, 100% renewable energy grid by 2035, in part by raising the renewable portfolio standard, encouraging more community and rooftop solar, and abolishing the net-metering cap. He also supports putting a price on carbon, a statewide ban on single-use plastic bags and polystyrene, instituting a moratorium on new pipelines, and a divestment of the State’s pension fund from fossil fuels.
Rep. Connolly is also working with others to dismantle environmental racism and ensure environmental justice communities have access to the benefits of sustainability and green energy programs. We must restore and increase funding to protect our Commonwealth's open spaces and improve our water quality for future generations.
Rep. Connolly is proud to work with local partners Green Cambridge, Mothers Out Front, and Fossil Free Somerville, along with statewide organizations Environmental League of Massachusetts, Environment Massachusetts, the Sierra Club, and 350 Mass among others.
In his first term, Rep. Connolly has proudly:
- Filed H.3390 - An Act promoting solar ready construction encouraging solar ready roof design on all new buildings
- Filed H.3634 - An Act accelerating the renewable energy portfolio increasing the renewable portfolio standard rapidly to reach 100% procurement of renewables
- Filed H.412 - An Act to reduce packaging waste banning polystyrene and requiring food serviceware be recyclable or compostable
- Voted to enact H.4599 - An Act promoting climate change adaptation, environmental and natural resource protection, and investment in recreational assets and opportunity authorizing $2.2 billion for climate resilience and green space enhancements including $5M for the Amelia Earhart Dam East Somerville, $1M for Foss Park in East Somerville, and $1M for North Point Park in East Cambridge
- Co-sponsored H.1726 - An Act to promote green infrastructure, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and create jobs implementing revenue positive carbon pricing
- Co-sponsored H.2121 - An Act reducing plastic bag pollution banning single use plastic bags statewide
- Co-sponsored H.3281 - An Act relative to public investment in fossil fuels divesting the state pension fund from fossil fuels
Where Rep. Connolly is talking about this:
Rep. Connolly , advocates make the push for Mass to go polystyrene free, Somerville Journal, Aug. 15, 2018