Transitioning to single-payer, Medicare for All system is the only ethical, logical, and and affordable pathway toward providing healthcare for all. It's time for the United States to catch up to the rest of the developed world in guaranteeing universal healthcare, and Massachusetts should lead the way. We also need to expand access to dental care, especially in low income communities.
Rep. Connolly believes in a compassionate - and not carceral - response to curtailing the opioid epidemic that highlights prevention and wrap around care. He also advocates for access to healthy food and improvements to the built environment to fight the obesity epidemic and works to address the social determinants of health.
Rep. Connolly is proud to work with MassCare, Healthcare for All, the Massachusetts Nurses Association, the Children’s Mental Health Campaign, and SIFMA now.
In his first term, Rep. Connolly has proudly:
- Voted to enact H.4486 - An Act protecting youth from the health risks of tobacco and nicotine addiction raising the minimum age of purchase for tobacco to 21 statewide.
- Voted to enact H.4742 - An Act for prevention and access to appropriate care and treatment of addiction strengthening community based prevention of substance use and access to Narcan
- Voted to enact H.2960 - An Act to protect access to confidential healthcare ensuring your health information will be private if you are covered under another person's health plan
- Co-sponsored H.2987- An Act establishing improved Medicare for all in Massachusetts
- Co-sponsored H.596 - An Act to ensure effective health care cost control directing the Health Policy Commission examine potential savings of single payer and begin the transition process if savings were modeled
- Co-sponsored H.3329 - An Act to promote healthy alternatives to sugary drinks levying an excise on sugar sweetened beverages and direct the revenue toward obesity and diabetes prevention
Where Rep. Connolly is talking about this:
- Residents rally for single-payer healthcare system, The Daily Free Press, Apr. 9, 2017